
We offer other master programs throughout the state and at the local level. If you are interested in any of these programs please reach out to Shana DeLozier at sdelozi2@utk.edu or 615-862-5833 or go to: https://utextension.tennessee.edu/ut-extension-master-programs/

Tennessee Farm Family Health and Wellness

“The Tennessee Master Farm Family Health and Wellness program is focused on making long-term health investments in Tennessee farm families and their communities.”

Tennessee Master Farm Manager

“Create a strong business foundation to make better decisions for your farm’s future!

The Tennessee Master Farm Manager focuses on solid business principals to help you better manage your operation. We will focus on helping you utilize resources on your farm efficiently.”

Tennessee Master Commercial Poultry Producer Program

“The Tennessee Master Commercial Poultry Producer Program is designed to improve the profitability and efficiency of commercial poultry producers.”

Tennessee Master Beekeeping Program

“The Tennessee Master Beekeeping Program is a school for all beekeepers, regardless of operation size or experience level. The goal is to improve the knowledge of TN beekeepers about beekeeping, and the program is dedicated to beekeepers in Tennessee.”

Tennessee Master Row Crop

“The Tennessee Master Row Crop Producer Program is a new educational program designed to further improve the profitability and sustainability of today’s row crop farming operations. From fundamental to cutting edge research-based information, training module topics include agronomics, integrated pest management, weed and disease management, precision agriculture, irrigation, grain drying and storage, marketing, and more.”