In addition to Camps, Clubs, Project Groups, and Judging Teams, we are able to offer other educational youth development programs. Through the help of Extension staff, community volunteers, and corporate partners, the following programs may be available.
On My Own – An interactive financial simulation designed for youth ages 13-18. During the simulation, students become the major income provider for their household which may include a spouse and/or children. Using a hypothetical occupation and income, students work through a month of expenses including housing, utilities, transportation, insurance, food, child care, clothing, entertainment and other expenses resulting from unexpected events.

Health Rocks! – Health Rocks!® is curricula for a healthy living program targeted at young people ages 8 to 14. Teen and adult facilitators share hands-on activities that educate youth on the consequences of tobacco, alcohol and drug use. This programming is typically offered for groups in the summer.
Reach out to Extension Agent Andy Lantz about interest in any of these programs.