4-H Wildlife Club

Join us as we study the biology and habitats of over 60 Tennessee species, as we prepare for a competition against other Middle Tennessee teams in a Wildlife Contest. This club is open to all 4th – 12th grade youth who have an interest in wildlife and conservation.

Using the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) manual, participants will practice wildlife identification and life history knowledge. Virtual practices will focus on skill and teambuilding, while our in-person meetings will allow for hikes, seeing pelts and skulls up close, and games.

Contestants identifying animal artifacts at the 2019 Wildlife Contest

2025 Practice Schedule (Tuesday nights, 5:00pm-6:30pm)
April 8 by Zoom
April 15: Davidson County Extension Office, 1281 Murfreesboro Pk, Nashville, TN
April 22: by Zoom
April 29: Davidson County Extension Office, 1281 Murfreesboro Pk, Nashville, TN
May 6: by Zoom

Wildlife Contest: Monday, May 13, 2025. Location TBA

Registration is $15. This includes all the materials, practices, dinner at the 2 in-person meetings, a 4-H Wildlife t-shirt (if you don’t have one), and entry into the contest.

Registration for 2025

For questions about this club, please contact Andy Lantz, alantz@utk.edu, 615-862-5995.