4-H Daily – Role Model Interviews

superhero depiction in black and yellow suit with red cape

Who’s your role model? What makes them so great? Give them a quick interview and share it with us! (Make sure you respect all COVID-19 safety policies! Over the phone interviews are great for people who don’t live in your home!) Ask them the following questions and then type or write up their responses:

  1. Name.
  2. Relationship to you.
  3. Why are they your role model? (You answer this question!)
  4. What motivates them to be a good person?
  5. What happened in their life to help them become the person they are today?
  6. How do they handle negativity in their life?
  7. Create your own question here! Make sure you tell us what you asked, as well as their response.

Include a picture of the person if you would like too!

Role Model Interview submissions ended 5/3/2020

*While this contest will not have winners, it will count towards your overall 4-H Daily participation total for the final prize.​​​*